I worked on the background a little. It needs to be darker to pop the giraffe forward. |
I wet the branches and used yellow green, red brown, and dark brown to shade them. The flower needs more work. |
I worked on the background a little. It needs to be darker to pop the giraffe forward. |
I wet the branches and used yellow green, red brown, and dark brown to shade them. The flower needs more work. |
I made the background around the giraffe's head a bit darker and started to add some texture. It is spotty and needs more, but it is a decent start. |
I mixed a dark (blue and brown) and did his beard (basically scribbling) and his eye and eyebrow areas. I painted a little on the glasses to define them. I added some shadows to his face and neck. |
I wet the background and painted in some strips of color. I mixed a medium green and painted the center. |
This is from another class. It shows a different background and colors. It is also a step further on the painting than the demo in class. |
This is from another class, it is the start of this flower and needs lots more layers. It is one using rubber cement as the background texture. |
I worked on this a bit at home. I added value and color to the top and started to add another strand of lights. It's close to finished, a bit more needed on the background. |
I worked on this at home adding some darks to the face and bottom of the body and lightening in-between the spots (I did this with white gouache and scrubbing). |
In class I added a glaze of green gold. Without green gold I would have mixed a yellow green as my glaze. I seem to have missed a few spots, so I will need to glaze those. |
Plastic wrap texture. I wet the paper, added color, put plastic wrap on top and scrunched it, let it dry. |
I added gouache to the bulbs and in a small area for highlights. |
I scrubbed out some white lines on the giraffes body with a scrubber brush I made by cutting a cheap stiff bristle brush shorter and at an angle. |
I added cobalt to the hat and shirt to add shadows. I also did a wash of cobalt to the background and softened the background texture. I have a bit more value and detail work, but it's getting close. |
At home I worked on the lower face at home to soften some of the blue dots. |
At home I added some dark washes on the right bottom side to define the petals. It is what was needed for this flower. I also added a bit of dark to the middle. |
I added slightly darker washes to the background to define the petals. I worked on the middle adding some texture and value. I started to add some form and shadow to the petals (bottom left). |
At home I added some washes to define the petals on the left side and some darks in the middle. |
I added more washes to define the petals and some darks in the middle as well as lifted some highlights. I started to add definition to the petals as well as shadows between the petals. |
I worked a little on the necklace. It needs more work overall. |
I worked on this a lot. The spots will need to be toned down and the values adjusted. |
I wet the paper and dropped in the color. I added salt (large and small salt). |
I removed the rubber cement. |
I have started adding some values and colors to organize the chaos and to move the viewers eye around. This one will work as an abstract I think. It has a ways to go. |
These chickens are examples of using rubber cement and watercolor to create interesting backgrounds and textures. |
I worked on this a bit between classes. I lifted and softened a few areas (water and a brush and paper towel). |
I added some shadows and blue (cobalt) to the background. |
I darkened around the petals and a little on the yellowish triangles between the petals. I added a leaf and stem but it was too wet and is barely visible anymore. |
I worked on her between class adding more darks and a few details in the value study stage. |