
Continuing Watercolor (November/December 2013)

I worked on the background adding darker leaves (alizarin, pthalo green, and salt).  I may add some medium value leaves as well and leave only a small amount of the yellow showing.  Not sure yet (so many options).  I added a few shadows to the leaves.  They need more values and details.  I worked on a few berries adding highlights, shadows, and details.  Need to add a glaze of yellow to almost all of them still.

Worked more on the face, especially the bottom and ear.  There is still more to do, but it is close.  Worked on the shirt and more on the hair.  More to do still but it is coming along.  Remember that value studies (or monochromatic paintings) are great for learning and improving skills.

For this we transferred the drawing, wet the background, and added in color leaning towards dark at the top and under the car (I used indigo, burnt sienna, oxide of chromium, viridian, aureolin,).  Before it dried I placed plastic wrap over it to get the texture.

Continuing Watercolor (November/December 2013)

photo for class


Continuing Watercolor (November/December 2013)

This is a photo of what I worked on at home to get a few more leaves and berries further along.  I added shadows to the berries to make them look round.  I carefully added a green shadow (could do a red with green in it as well)  for a cast shadow to make the berries in the back look as if they are behind the others and the leaves. 

This is how it looked after class.  I have added darks and veins (with white gouache and dark green) as well as started the branches and added shadows and highlights to the berries.  I also added a glaze of yellow to one berry (bottom right).  

I had added another layer of rubber cement and dark to the hair, allowed it to dry, and then removed the rubber cement.  I started painting the hair adding detail with scribble marks and some dark areas.  I started on the face.  I started  with the dark shadow on the forehead and pulled the paint out from the shadow with a damp brush.  I was working down.  The bottom half of her face needs a little work and the hair needs more organized 'scribbles' and details.


Aqueous Acrylic & Gouache (September/October 2013)

Acrylic.  I added quite a bit more values, details, and color  Lots of shadows and highlights.


Continuing Watercolor (November/December 2013)

First transferred the drawing onto the paper.  I then wet and added yellow to the background parts creating a 'road map' to help determine background and foreground.  Next I added red to the berries trying to save the white highlight.  I added a yellow green to the leaves (also tried to save the highlights, oopps...).  Next, after it was dry, I started to add a darker red around the outside of the berry to give it form (I have done a few).  I then used a darker green (viridian as well as aureolin and alizarin dropped in a bit) and started shaping the form of the leaf. 

First We transferred the drawing.  I wet the paper and added a wash of the color I will use for the entire piece (van dyke brown and indigo mixed).  It will be a value study or monochromatic piece.  I also used a little salt for texture (add salt when the paper is shiny, not puddled).  After it was dry I added rubber cement to the hair, dribbling in the direction of the hair.  After that dried I added more grey.  Allowed that to dry and added more rubber cement, dried that and added more grey.


Continuing Watercolor (September/October 2013)

I added quite a few more darks and kept adding details and sharpening things up a bit.  I may be done although I found a few tiny things I may fix/add.