
Continuing Watercolor (Mar/Apr 13) - Sertoma

I worked on the background adding darks and allowing some of the texture to show through.  I also added the flower.  I used gouache adding it when the paint was wet to get the fuzzy look.

I worked on the background, the petals, and the leaves.  I added darks, details, and fixed some edges with white gouache.


Tuesday Morning Class

Acrylic background done on a canvas board.  I used black, cobalt, and cobalt teal.  I also used a lot of water and some salt.  

Acrylic.  This is the background done in class with an additional layer of color and wax paper for texture.

Acrylic.  This is the fish after several layers.  I did the fish in white first, then added several layers of orange, and then added the highlights and shadowed 'watery' shapes on the fish.  I used yellow, green (two greens), white, and dark blue on the lily pads.  I used dark blue and white to make the water swirls.  I worked mostly on a wet surface.

Watercolor.  I mixed a dark turquoise, wet the background, and laid in the water swirls.


Jackson, TN Mixxed Media Workshop

Colored pencil over watercolor.  The watercolor was applied with the rubber cement technique (3 layers).  The colored pencil,was started after the rubber cement was removed.  This one is barely started.

Colored pencil over watercolor on primed masonite prepped with Absorbent Ground.  I wet the surface, applied watercolor and then salt.  After this was dry I removed the salt and drew with colored pencil on top.  This one is close to completed.

Colored pencil over acrylic on canvas board.  The acrylic was applied very wet and in layers with the rubber cement technique.  After this was done and rubber cement removed, a thin coat of Acrylic Ground for pastel was added.  After the AGfP was dry it was ready for the colored pencil.  This piece is partway finished.

Pen & ink over watercolor on watercolor paper.  This one needs quite a bit more of the pen & ink.

Colored pencil over primed wood prepped with tinted (with green) Acrylic Ground for Pastel.  This is the very first layer.

Colored pencil and ink over an abandoned watercolor painting.  This is barely started.

White acrylic over acrylic and salt on primed masonite prepped with Absorbent Ground.  This is barely started.

White and green gouache over an abandoned watercolor painting.  This is barely started.


Continuing Watercolor (Mar/Apr 13) - Sertoma

I glazed in small areas on the background and worked a little more on the butterfly.  It has a ways to go - more values and details.

I worked on the value study in the leaves and the petals (lots pf sorting out...).  I softened some areas and darkened a few others.  I started working more on the leaves adding green and a little yellow and red over the purple value study.  I added some dark areas to the background (more are needed) and dropped in some green and yellow at the same time upper left).


Tuesday Morning

Pen & ink and acrylic (could use watercolor) on Mixed Media Paper.  I have finished the ink on the car and worked on the background.  It may be finished.

Pen & ink and colored pencil on Dura-Lar Matte (top translucent layer) and acrylic (could also use watercolor) on watercolor paper (bottom layer).  I of course need to finish the colored pencil and ink.  I painted blue to complete the bottom layer.

Acrylic on canvas panel.  I lightly sanded and the wet the canvas panel.  I floated the blue in the create a 'water' look. I added some salt, but it did not do too much.   I plan to add at least on more layer before adding the fish and lily pads.  


Photos from class


Continuing Watercolor (Mar/Apr 13) - Sertoma

This is the magnolia as a value study.  I mixed a purple and painted the values on the petals, then the background, and then the leaves.  In the background I wanted texture so I wet the paper, dropped in purple in varying values, and used salt.  The little areas of color are examples of the glazes we will do next.  But first - value and detail!

This is the butterfly   First I wet the background, dropped in color, and added salt.  After it was dry I started on the butterfly mixing a dark and painting the black areas (permanent alizarin and pthalo green).  I wet the orange part of the wing and dropped in yellow, orange and red paring attention to value.  Next I wet the body, painted it yellow,  added a little burnt sienna, added more yellow to the right (to push the darker colors out of the light area) and then used sandpaper and watercolor pencils to make a texture on the left side (this technique is called sanding).


Tuesday Morning

Pen & ink car after the acrylic was added (could have used watercolor as well).  There is still some pen & ink to complete.  I used two colors - a blue and orange/brown.

This is the acrylic background on watercolor paper for the flower on Dura-Lar Matte (could have used watercolor as well).  I believe it will need a little more color, especially the blue.

This is the Flower on the Dura-Lar Matte paper on top of the acrylic on watercolor paper background.  Of course the flower is not complete, but this shows the idea.  The blue on the background layer needs more blue for sure.


TN Mixed MediaPhotos for demonstrations Workshop

Photos for demonstrations and projects