
Continuing Watercolor (July) - Sertoma

This is the buffalo after some glazes of color, some darks and details, and some lights and details (with gouache).  

This is the first pass with color and value as well as texture.  I wet each area and dropped color  in paying  attention to values.  I  added texture with salt.  This is the base I will work from.  From here I add more values (mostly darks) as well as some detail. 

I worked a little more on the tomato (apple, lol).  I added more color, some more ark, and some detail.  I also toned down the background green a little with a red glaze.  It needs a little more work, but is close to complete.


Continuing Watercolor (July) - Sertoma

This is the buffalo after a few passes.  First, I put in some dark value and color all over the buffalo (avoided the eye and horn).  I did some blossoms/back-washes as it was drying for texture and added some drops of color as well.  After that dried I started adding detail and organizing my shapes and values.  I will need to do more of this as we go plus I need to add more detail.

This is the tomato after  adding some color.  This needs more color (a little) and more detail and a few dark values as well.

Thursday Morning Class

This is after the third pass on the tomato.  I added some detail, some color, and some darker values.


Continuing Watercolor (July) - Sertoma

This is the start of the buffalo piece.  I added the color on wet paper, added some salt, covered it with wrinkled wax paper, and put something slightly heavy on top.  There is the start of some nice textures and color.  I plan to mask out the horn (as I should have done to start with) before I work on it again.

This is the sheet I worked on to show you the textures from saran wrap (purple) and wax paper (blue) with masking tape down the middle (removed now).  Then I dribbled on some rubber cement and added some washes of color.  The light areas are from the packing tape used as a resist (removed now)

This is the tomato I demonstrated in class.  Remember I made a grey (mixed the compliments) and started with the tomato.  I wet it first (more damp than wet).  I then shaded the tomato paying attention the the values.  I let that dry and wet the background.  I dropped in the grey following (loosely) the values.  I demonstrated 'blooms' or 'back-washes' as well as salt.  Then I started to add some detail.  This needs more detail before the color is added.  The other tomato I worked on is below under the Thursday Morning Class heading (that's where I started it).

Thursday Morning Class

This is the watercolor value study with a light wash of color over the top.   I plan to add more color and more detail and values as I go.