
Adventures in WC - Sertoma Class

Remember if you do nothing else, work on value studies such as how we started this project.  You will learn the use of values as well as learn to control watercolor (by controlling the water).  This needs more detail and I will post as I finish it.

Adventures in WC - Sertoma Class

This is well on the way, but needs more values and much more detail work on the truck.  I will post photos as I finish it.

Adventures in WC - Sertoma Class

Worked on this some.  I do not like her expression (the mouth still...), so I have worked on it again and it is better - I will post when I have a new photo.  I will keep working on her and posting.


PCRD Class

I worked on the arm and jeans as well as more on the skin and hair.  This is fairly close, but needs some detail work and adjustments to some of the values. (coat, hat, and jeans a little...).

PCRD Class

Colored pencil - I worked on shading the hat with white.  I will think about adding some color as well.

PCRD Class

Acrylic project - I worked on the hat, face, hair (a little) and background.  The first layer on the skin was added as was a layer on the hat.  I used a light color to tone down the background.  It needs a lot more work, but is well on the way.


WC in Bloom - Sertoma Class

This is the Hibiscus after adding some small details.  It can be considered finished although I will study it and probably do a few more tiny adjustments.

WC in Bloom - Sertoma Class

This is the piece after adding some color.  The values will need to be re-established at a later time, after adding the first layers of color.  It has a ways to go, I will post more photos as I work on it.  If you practice at home - do value studies - paintings in one color.  You will learn a ton from the process.

WC in Bloom - Sertoma Class

This is the 'value study' before adding color.  I worked on this at home for class.


Adventures in WC - Sertoma Class

This is the start of the horse.  I used cobalt only (and don't forget the WATER).  I will continue this and add some color to give you an idea of how to finish the piece.

Adventures in WC - Sertoma Class

I added some details and some darks.  I used a little gouache on the left side of the grill.  It still needs lots of detail work (I will do some next class).

Adventures in WC - Sertoma Class

For this I worked on fixing the face.  It reads better, but needs some sharpening up and some darks (I will do this next class).

Adventures in WC - Sertoma Class

Photo for the next project.  We will start this as a value study.


PCRD Class

I added the shading of the jeans.  I used true blue, indigo, white, and dark brown on the jeans.

PCRD Class

This is the watercolor version with some additional values added.  The hair was done with gouache - add watered down gouache on the whole head (light to dark..) and then add gouache with less water for the 'stripes'.

PCRD Class

This is the start of the acrylic.  I used a dark grey and a brown in the dark areas.  I used white (very transparent) on the whole thing and less transparent white for the 'stripes'.

WC in Bloom - Sertoma Class

This is the start to the waterlily.  Use only one color (I used cobalt).  Start working on painting the values of the flower and water.  Your dark values will not be as dark as needed, this is OK (we can build to the dark).  I of course have many areas to complete still.  Remember - paint the water with horizontal strokes to get the look of water.

WC in Bloom - Sertoma Class

I have worked on the background adding some more dark.  I have 'blurred' the background flowers some, they still need more work.  I added New Gamboge to the top flower petals and defined the center of the middle flower with some dark values.

WC in Bloom - Sertoma Class

I have added some New Gamboge to some of the petals to balance out the color and added a few more dark values.  Now I will study it and make small changes/additions as necessary.


WC in Bloom - Sertoma Class

Photo for the next and last project for this session


Adventures in WC - Sertoma Class

This is the wet in wet trcuk after adding a small amount of detail.  Remember we are 'carving' the truck out of the wet in wet process.

Adventures in WC - Sertoma Class

I have worked some on the features, it is still not 'reading' properly, so a little alteration will be needed.  I am deciding if I am going to add dark to her strap and undershirt/bra.  I need more detail on the entire piece (such as finishing her head scarf) and some more value adjustments.  It is getting close, but the last bit of work takes study and thought.


PCRD Class

The watercolor version of Hiawatha.  I mixed a dark color (indigo and burnt sienna) and started the jacket and hat (pay attention to the darks and lights).  I then added rose and new gamboge to the jacket color mixture to make the skin color.  I did the first layer of the skin paying attention to the values, not the details (I will do those next week).

PCRD Class

The Colored pencil version of Hiawatha.  I added detail to the coat and hair.


Adventures in WC - Sertoma Class

Negative painted more of the background.  Worked on the centers and the flowers petals adding shadows and details.

WC in Bloom - Sertoma Class

Worked more on the stamen, scrubbed out some highlights.  Need to study and make adjustments to the values and details.


Southport Workshop

Both of these are watercolor and gouache on watercolor paper, 11 x 14.  They were used as demonstration pieces at the Southport Workshop and finished when I returned home.


Adventures in WC - Sertoma Class

This is the start of the truck project.  I transferred the drawing and made marks in order to be able to re-align the drawing in case it needs to be transferred again after the first washes.  I wet the entire paper (for wet in wet) and started dropping in color.  I avoided the windshield with all colors except cobalt (so it will look like sky) and the front grill and headlights.  Be loose and free with the color and make sure the paper is wet - you want the color to move.

Adventures in WC - Sertoma Class

This is the piece after a background was added.  I wet the background and used cobalt on the entire area (varying  the value some) and dropped in rose and aureolin.  Decide on a light or dark background depending on your painting and what's needed.  I added the 'gathering' near the top of her dress and some shadows with cobalt.  I worked on rounding her shoulder and it will need a glaze in the area.  I wet the apron tie and used purple for some shadows.   It will need more work.  I worked a little on her ear.

PCRD Class

Acrylic project with green over the brown background.  The values need to be adjusted on the entire piece as well as details added (and the stems painted...).


PCRD Class

Colored pencil project started on black paper.  Colors used so far are peach, light peach, white, sienna brown, dark brown, true blue.

PCRD Class

Watercolor under painting, wet in wet.

Watercolor under painting with re-transferred drawing.

PCRD Class

Acrylic under painting - have fun!

Acrylic under painting with transferred drawing


WC in Bloom - Sertoma Class

This is the Hibiscus after softening some edges and losing a few others.  I started the stamen (it still needs some detail) as well as the stem (it needs a little more as well).  I need to evaluate and finish next class for you.

WC in Bloom - Sertoma Class

This is the beginning of the Daisies project.  It started by wetting the paper and dropping in color keeping the yellow and light in the flower areas.  I used New Gamboge, Aureolin, Cobalt, and Viridian (with a tiny bit of rose mixed in to neutralize it a little).  The next step was negative painting of the background 'carving out' the flowers by working around them.  I used a Viridian/Aureolin mix and dropped in some indigo and some rose.


Adventures in WC - Sertoma Class

The next photo for class

PCRD Class

Next photo for class

WC in Bloom - Sertoma Class

The next photo for class


Southport Workshop

"Mary's Horse" after layers of watercolor and Gouache working wet in the beginning and dry towards the end, 11 x 14.

"Mary's Horse" after the initial wet in wet watercolor layer and the start of laying in the brown.