
Another layer of color and some detail on the acrylic project.  It still has a few more layers of color and a little more detail before it's complete.


More color and detail on the watercolor project.  It is very close and needs a little more detail and some gouache
Another layer of color and the start of detail on the watercolor project


Another layer of color and more details on the colored pencil project (on a dark surface)
The first layer of color for the colored pencil project (indigo pencil on cream pebble board)
Another layer of detail on the colored pencil project (dark brown on a light surface).


Another layer of color and details on the colored pencil project (dark brown on a light surface).  It's close to completed.


Photo for PCRD March class
Another layer of color and the start of details on the colored pencil project (on adark surface)
The finish of the first layer of color on the colored pencil project (on a dark surface)
Another layer of color and the start of details on the colored pencil project (dark brown on a light surface)
The finish of the first layer of color layer on the colored pencil project (dark brown on a light surface)
The third layer of color on the watercolor project
The Third layer of color on the acrylic project.


PCRD Class:

The following pictures are what the pieces looked like after class.  I will re-post if I work on them any more.

For watercolor I 'scrubbed' out on the parrot's back, a little on the beak, and a few other areas to re-establish the shape.  I added some of the warm 'peach' color (red and yellow) to the face and a few areas.  I added color to the beak and then some indigo. I added green and blue to the head (with some yellow too) and blue down the body (cobalt blue).  I glazed on the left side of the background with aureolin yellow at the top and cobalt blue at the bottom.

For acrylic I mostly added highlights with titanium white that was very thinned (with water and matte medium). I added a mixture of pink plus a little yellow and thinned it quite a bit and painted some on the face as well as places on the body.

For colored pencil (the one on the dark grey) I worked on the beak.  Remember I lightly layered blue, red, yellow, and aqua before shading with the indigo.

Good Luck!
The first layer of color on the colored pencil project (on a dark surface)
The first layer of color on the colored pencil project (dark brown on a light surface)
The second layer of color on the watercolor project.
The Second layer of color on the acrylic project.


PCRD Class:

The colors I have used so far are:

For watercolor the colors I have used so far - aureolin yellow, new gamboge, cobalt blue, alizarin crimson.  The under painting was cobalt blue mixed with sienna brown.  The background is the under painting with alizarin crimson on top and then I added some spots of sap green while it was still wet.

For acrylic I used - primary yellow, primary blue, primary red, titanium white (Liqutex Basic brand).  The under painting was primary blue mixed with mars black.  The background had the under painting and if you remember I mixed all the colors used in the parrot on my palette together (mostly the blue and yellow with a little white and red) and painted the background with those (I did add some water to make it thin).

For colored pencil so far I have used canary yellow, indigo blue, crimson red and true blue.  For the 'under painting' I used dark brown on off-white mat board.

I used white colored pencil for the piece on gray mat board and indigo blue colored pencil for the piece on cream pebble board - these are the 'under paintings'.

(remember, concentrate on the lights and darks, the values, more than color).

See you Tuesday!
The 'under painting' value study for the colored pencil project - dark pencil on a light surface (indigo pencil on cream pebble board)


PCRD Class:
Hi everyone.  I wanted to remind you that if you work at home - stay loose and remember the values when adding color (darks and lights).  I did not post the colored pencil piece (the dark pencil on the light background) as it was not in my bag.  I probably left it in class or it was scooped up in someone else's stuff.  I will add it here after class next week if it turns up.  If I have time I may do another (never hurts to practice values...).  Email if you have questions!
The first layer of color on the watercolor project.
The first layer of color on the acrylic project.
The 'under painting' for colored pencil - light pencil on a dark surface.


PCRD Class:

For the "under painting" value studies focus on getting a good range of darks and lights.  Do not be concerned too much about the details, focus on the bigger shapes and stay loose. The details come later.

The colors I used are: watercolor - burnt sienna + cobalt, acrylic - mars black + primary blue, colored pencil - dark brown.

Bring in anything that you do at home, even if you do not like it.

See you Tuesday!
The 'under painting' value study for the watercolor project.  This is after adding a few more darks over what I had done in class.
The 'under painting' value study for the watercolor project.  This is what was completed in class.
The 'under painting' value study for the acrylic project
The 'under painting' value study for the colored pencil project - dark pencil on a light surface (dark brown pencil on an off-white mat board (slight linen texture)